Purple Superfood Smoothie Recipe
Here’s an easy way to get lots of raw superfoods in an easily digestible way all at one go! This is also how I hide kale from people who say they really dislike it, and they usually say they do not even taste it. :)

1 tbsp soaked raw almonds **
1 tbsp soaked raw flax seeds
1 tsp raw cacao nibs **
2 tbsp fresh blueberries
1 cup chopped kale
1 medium sized banana
1 pear or apple, cut in quarters
Small amount of water
** = you may have to buy these ingredients from an online supplier specializing in fully raw foods as local grocery stores do not tend to carry them in an unheated form.
(1) place almonds, flax seeds and cacao nibs in blender and grind with a little water until pulverized.
(2) Add kale, banana and pear or apple. Blend until smooth.
(3) Pour into glasses or bowls and serve fresh.
Enjoy! :)
For more raw vegan recipes like this one, please check out Raw From The Garden’s website at:
Or join our Facebook recipes group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawveganrecipes1/
Update: Raw From The Garden's featured living food chef and recipe book author Alice Dee will be teaching a series of delicious weekend retreat workshops this coming summer and fall on using the "Raw Vegan Cuisine for Healing and Weight Loss" at beautiful Spirit Lake Hermitage in Northern California. Click here for more details and the event dates.